Plum is an active cat who likes to climb. She likes to play with feathers and in tunnels. She loves to run and pounce. She is good with other cats and kids, she is cautious around dogs. Look at that attitude! š
Plum is an active cat who likes to climb. She likes to play with feathers and in tunnels. She loves to run and pounce. She is good with other cats and kids, she is cautious around dogs. Look at that attitude! š
Meet our sweet little man Lionel! He is one awesome little guy. He absolutely loves his humans and loves all of their attention. He loves to play with his littler mates and will get into trouble if left unattended. If he is going to be left alone all day because you work he can not be adopted alone. He will not do well at all. He needs to have a person or another cat or kitten around him. When we say cat is must be one who will let him cuddle with them. He loves to play with wand toys, tower ball chasers, and wrestle with his litter mates. Lionel is a great little guy.
Arthur is a very sweet and gentle buy. He has been with with the rescue for awhile now and is still as sweet as day one. He is very shy at first and it takes time with Arthur to win his trust. I found my way to him was through the tummy! He loves wet food and then you will become best friend forever. He is not fond of dogs at all. However, believe that with time he will learn that dogs are OK and not anything to fear and a new house is safe and new people will love him as well. You can’t push yourself on him or things won’t work out with him or for you, he does not liked to be chased. As time passed Art became my bestie and would sit on the couch with me and watch TV and allow me to pet, rub and scratch him. He loves his daily kitty massage and would give me elevator butt. He was surrendered because his old owner broke her hip and no longer able to care for him. The key with Arthur is time, patience and lots of love!
As there are funny stories with all rescued cats sometimes there is a story with Art. His name use to be Gertrude! He went to the Vet for a check up because of weight gain and some issues with litter box. Well we were told he was a she by the owner and Humane Society. You would think two groups of people would know. Well nope Gertie was an Arthur. So we are waiting for some blood work and trying to find out if there is a reason for the litter box issues. Either way Art uses pee pads right next to the box and we are working on the issue. Some one said it’s because he got tired of me calling him Gertie. LOL
Meet this outrageous girl Jessie. Jessie came to us when her owner called because they just could not keep all of the animals that they had. Jessie is an extremely out going, friendly kitten who absolutely loves attention. She loves to be in the middle of all the action and going on in the house. She gets along with other cats, dogs and kids. She is just one of those all around great girls. She would simply flourish in a house with children and tons of stuff going on. We see her being pushed around in a stroller by a little girl and being someones best friend forever. Come and meet this awesome girl. Jessie will be ready to go home on February 7th.
Meet Chance, he is a very curious little kitten who is attached to his littermates. He loves to wrestle around and play with his siblings. He is a bit timid and shy at first but when you get him in your hands and love on him he comes around and is your best friend. If you give this guy a chance, he’ll give you a chance. š
Meet Fuzzy, he is the sweetest boy who loves to be petted. When he is relaxed and comfortable in a box he loves to get treats. He loves to play with other kittens but he also likes to entertain himself with all of his toys. He is a bit hesitant of people at first, but once he get to know and trust you he comes around. Show this little guy your heart and he will show you his.
Meet our sweet little Bear, aka Bear-Bear. He is one of the sweetest little boys and accepts love when you reach out for him. He seems to always be half asleep in his box. He is motivated by food, and will talk and dance for some chicken. He is attached to his siblings and likes to wrestle and play. Open your heart to this little chicken-lover!
Meet the great Houdini, he is shy but magical! He got his name when he escaped from a metal cage, very much like his namesake. Houdini likes to hang out with the other kittens, playing around and wrestling. He likes playing with wand toys and any other toy he can get his paws on. Once Houdini gets to know you he is a complete cuddler and likes to lounge in bed and take a long siesta. So come on down and meet the great Houdini!
Meet Aspen the beautiful girl with the amazing eyes. Aspen can be an energetic kitten with just loves to play with her toys and all the other kittens in the house. She absolutely loves sleep in bed with you, but in between your legs. So don’t plan on moving around to much if she is in bed. She is for sure a soft food junkie.
She gets along with dogs and other cats and would do well in just about any kind of home. So come on down and meet the great little girl.
Meet the wonderful Ophelia! She is just about the sweetest girl you would ever want. Her foster dad did such an amazing job with her and her litter mates. She might be a timid at first but once she gets to know you she will never leave you alone. She is such the little lover with me know. She just loves to play. Being petted and scratched she simply adores and can’t get enough of. I wish I could get more pictures of her but she just could not hold still long enough to get the two I got. She just kept walking up to me like what are you doing you needs some help with that. If you want a little girl who just wants love and attention well here she is.
This is one awesome and fun kitten. She is super playful and crawls across the floor on her belly clawing her way to more fun. She is a beautiful girl with super sweet eyes, a medium long soft coat and the cutest little face one ever saw. She loves to run, chase and wrestle with the other kittens. She loves the feather wand toys and also like the three level ball tower chaser. Here is one great little girl to add to you home and your family.
Meet Hash-Tag a very sweet and shy little girl. She will take you heart away when you look into her eyes. This is one little girl who will need her own Twitter page for sure!
She likes to be held and loved on. She is timid at first but need to learn to trust you. She likes to play with her mates in the kitten room and run all over the place. She for sure will quickly become the love of your life. Come and meet her.
Meet Miss Lucy. She is a very sweet and calm lady. She is so very loving to her humans. She can be a very demanding little lady though. She is the princess and demands to be pampered. Being held is a must for her and being petted all the time is something she will demand as well. She does get along with other cats as long as then are the submissive type of cat. Lucy is the alpha lady of the house.
She was rescued outside and the vet feels she is about 1.5 years old.
She does like to play but with like many princesses she is very particular about the type of toys she likes.
Her foster mom is learning all about her with her likes and dislikes and will update her favorite toys. Her story came from the lady who rescued her.
If you want to meet Miss Lucy please let us know.
Here is the sweetest boy Yoda. He has a very sad story that just broke our hearts. Poor Yoda was left outside in the cold at the doors of a Vet office when they were closed. They found him in the morning when they opened with a note on his carrier that said “We can no longer care for him”. They took him and the Vet did a complete work up on him. They did a full exam, full blood work, all vaccinations, and testing for FIV/Felv and cleared him for adoption. We will microchip prior to him going to his new home as well. He is such a sweet and friendly boy. He loves to be petted and loved on and we are sure he will make a prefect addition to any family.
Meet the sweet and beautiful Bella. This little girl is a personality, as you can see from her pictures. Her coat is super soft and the colors are beautiful. She likes to run real fast then stop in her tracks and take off and run again waiting for someone to chase her. She will find a toy and take off with it almost as if saying come on chase me. She is so playful and loving. She likes to cuddle up. She gets along with cats of all ages. She is like the perfect little girl.
Meet this super sweet and friendly boy Clyde. He come to us from Yuma so that he could find a new beginning her in Chandler. Clyde is just about the friendliest little man you can find around town. Clyde is one of those kittens who trust right from the beginning. He can be your best friend no matter what. He loves right from the beginning without fear. He loves to play with just about anything. His favorite thing is the wand with a feather on the end. He also like the three tower ball chaser. He loves to be petted and ear and chin rubs are just about the best one can imagine.
Meet little Angella, the sweet little Yuma girl. Angella came to us a scared, shy and unsure little girl. She is still very shy but is gaining confidence every day. She loves to play with you with just about any wand toy in the house. She loves scratches all over once she learns to trust you and learns that you love her. She likes to be held like a baby in your arms and likes to have her belly rubbed. She does have an issues with her one eye with has been treated with antibiotics both in Yuma at the Humane Society and with us. It looks as if her eyes are different shapes one round and one almond shaped. Makes her unique. We think her might possibly give her issues off and on. If you are looking for a sweet little girl look no more.
Here is one awesome cat! Alaster is a beautiful blue kitty with glaring green eye draw you in! He has the longest legs of any kitty I have ever seen. He is super sweet, loves people, loves to be petted and get chin and ear scratches. Alaters likes to just up on the my lap to get all the attention he can. He even makes these little chirping noises every now then.
He gets along great with other cats and is so gentle with younger kittens. He absolutely loves to wrestle and play chase. He likes to stretch out on the bed for a long afternoon nap then he wakes and is ready for play session #2. He would be great with another cat the same age, not with an older cat he is to active. We are not sure about dogs and he has never been around kids although I don’t anticipate any issues with that.
Meet Deci, a beautiful young tortie. She was found roaming the streets, abandoned by her previous owner. She is super sweet and loving towards people. She gets along fine with cats once she gets to know them. Dogs currently are difficult for her. She loves to be petted and cuddled with. She likes to play with wand toys, ball chasers and climb cat trees. She enjoys long naps! If you have room for a sweet girl in your heart come meet Deci!
Groucho is a great little kitten. His nickname at his foster house is “Good Boy”. He was a bottle feed baby so he is extremely attached to all of his humans. He absolutely loves, LOVES to be held and loved on. He just has to have all of your full attention. He gets along with cats and dogs and was raised with children. He loves to play. He wrestles with the older kittens in the house and can hang with the big boys.
Here is one great little guy. Meet Bojangles! He is super friendly, loves all your attention, can’t stand being away from his humans. He loves to play with just about anything you have. He likes to climb. So watch your cabinets. He is one kitten who will for sure keep you moving. He takes a bit of time to settle around other kittens or cats. Sitting still in not in his nature. One thing you have to watch out with this guy is he also like to climb his humans, so keep his nails trimmed. If you have time for an energetic little guy then this guy is for you.
Meet the great Harpo here. What a super fun little kitten and would make a great addition to any family. Harpo is super fun and playful, loves being his litter mates and wrestle matches look like wrestle mania is going on. He gets along with dogs, cats and kids are a must for this one here. Feather toys are his favorite of all. He is ready to become a part of your family now!
Meet the awesome little guy Elon. He was rescued during TNR which is why his ear is tipped. He is very sweet and needs lots of love and patience. He is ready to give someone all the love that he has to give. It is just going to take time for him to settle into your home. He likes to play with his mates. Wrestling and chasing are the key things involved in his life. Like most kittens he plays, eats and sleeps. He has a handsome blue coat and engaging green eyes that will draw you in. Make room for this little guy because he will take your heart away.
Meet this very sweet and meek little girl Kinkee. She is named Kinkee because she has a few kinks in her tail and the tip is greater then 90 degrees. She is a bit cross eyed but that makes her look all that much sweeter. She is a quiet girl but loves all the attention that she can get. She loves being held and cuddled with. We are not sure if she can totally see but the vert said she is very healthy. She plays with the wand toys and bats around toys. She loves her litter mates and likes to play. If you have lots of love in your heart for a special little girl pick this girl up fast because here she is.
Meet the handsome Itzel. He is an awesome boy who is a cuddler and loves to be with his human. He loves to lay with you an watch TV. He loves to be with his litter mates and play the day away. He really like any wand toy, the 3 tier ball tower chaser and any feather toys you give him, but watch out he will chew them apart. If you want a lover well here he is.
Meet our sweet and quiet little DJ. This little guy jsut loves to be held and he will purr up a storm for you. He likes to follow you wherever and everywhere you go, he can be your little shadow. He love to play with wand toys especially those with feathers on them. DJ has not been around dogs yet but there are dogs in the house that they are currently in and they do hear them. DJ adjusted faster then most of his siblings so we think he can adjust to a dog jsut fine. His foster mom I sure will try soon for him. He does like when other kitties come into his room so other cats should not be a problem. As always we do recommend slow introductions for adult cats though as they can be territorial.
DJ is scheduled to be neutered December 10, 2020 so he is currently for pre-adoption only. He will be ready to go to his forever home on December 12, 2020.
Meet the sweet little Bonnie. She was bottle feed so she is a very loving little girl. She loves to be with her humans and loves to be held and with you. She likes to play with her brother Clyde. Not sure who is the trouble maker!
Meet this great little man Clyde! He is the brother of Bonnie and man is he a pistol! He is jsut about the sweetest little guy around the town of Chandler. He was a bottle feed baby so he is more attached to his humans then other cats other then his sister, but he does live with other cats and gets along fine. He just prefers humans. He loves, loves to play all day. All boy here. He likes to wrestle with his sister and he really like to win, but sometimes he cries and looses the match. He plays with just about anything. If you have room for a fun little guy look right here because here he is.
Meet Oberon the leader of his litter. He is the most confident of the four. He is an awesome boy and friendly once he trust you and knows that you are his friend and that you love him. Trust is earned by and any cat even a teenage kitten. Things are different this year with COVID many kitten don’t have tons of socialization like they usually do, because many people are are fostering from home and taking care of pets. The fosters are not having visitors like they usually do so many kittens have not been been around a lot people. It does not mean the kittens are not friendly just that they might need more love then so other kittens. Oberon is one of those kittens. He needs a lots of love and attention to make a home his own. A lot of play time and tons of toys to call his own. Maybe even a cat tree and some some scratching posts. He is really a sweet boy and his foster dad did a great job with him and while he was with me only a few days I grew to love his sweet personality and he loved to be held and loved one like a baby and chin rubs and ear rubs were his favorite.
Meet our boy MacGyver, He is a sweet, quiet boy who was found by himself in a garage in the middle of the of summer. He has always been quiet, but loves to cuddle and sleep with with humans. He is used to dogs and loves playing with with other cats and kittens. I would suggest older kids only because he tends to scare easily with a lot of noises. He deserves the home with a family who will love as much as he deserves. His foster has final say as to his adopter.
Hank here is a great little boy. He was rescued off the streets with his little sister. He is a fun boy who loves to play, he is all boy. Wrestling is his game of choice for sure. He will wrestle with any cat or kitten that he comes across. He even wrestles with his little sister but she can hold her own. She likes the 3 level tower ball toy and will chase that ball in circles until he drops. He can be a bit skiddish with you at first until he learn to trust you. He has come a long way from the kitten that came off the street. So meet Hank our cute guy who will just melt your heart.
Meet Harper, She came to us when she was only 7 months old. She was pregnant, only a baby herself. Sometimes life doesn’t always work out the way we want it to. She is a sweet girl with a truly frisky and feisty side. She gets along better with dogs then she does other cats, so she MUST have dog (a little one), not a crazy jumpy one. She does like to play and chase toys, laser pointers are great. Tower Ball Chasers are fun also. She likes to be petted and loved on but being picked up is not one of her most favorite things. She only likes it for about 15-30 seconds. She absolutely loves looking out the window so would love a window perch. So if you are looking for a sweet, fun, feisty girl looking no more. Her she is.
Reese’s is a piece of lovely little candy! She is beautiful, medium hair, dilute calico. She likes to be held like a baby, her ears rubbed, chin rubbed, belly scratched! She can hold her own wrestling with her brothers, and it one tough Halloween treat! However she can also be a dainty little girl who loves to be cuddled and loved on. Like her brothers, Figaro and Ralphy, she loves to play with just about any toy you give her. If you are looking for a sweet, pretty and cuddly little girl then adopt yourself little Reese’s.
Another fun little boy named Ralphy! He is just about as cute as they come and just about as mischievous , look at his face! It is almost as if he is looking for trouble. His little cow spots are tabby marked and that makes him extra cute. He loves to play with anything like his brother Figaro. He is a bit more independent though, and we think he might be looking for things to get into or maybe even some trouble. He is a cuddler and likes to be held like a baby in your arms so watch out ladies you just might go under his spell. If you want a fun, playful and even mischievous boy look no more because here is Ralphy.
This mamma kitty is named Belle and she is all ready to find her forever home. She raised her kittens now it is her time to sit back and enjoy life. She never had a chance to be a kitten at only 11 months old so she wants to finally be the kittens she was meant to be. She wants all the love and snuggles she can get and she deserves them. If you can give this beautiful girl what she deserves and desires then open your hearts and give us a call.
āHi! My foster mom calls me Little Whiskers because Iām a black kitty with one white whisker! I love being brushed and getting belly rubs! I was a little timid when I first got here because I was on my own for a while, but I love my cushy bed and being spoiled with yummy food. My foster mom would love to keep me, but I am better off as a single dude, or in a home with other FIV+ housemates. We did find out that I can live with non-FIV cats in a peaceful house and also there are vaccinations that will help other cats who want to be my friend and we can live together forever. Will you take me home today?ā
Meet Odin here! He is one handsome boy who happens to be a Black Tabby with the most dreamy eyes your one cat could have. I like to say he is looking at you dreaming of sitting on the couch and getting all the love you have to give for a boy like him.
Odin was rescued by one of Kattered Tails special fosters when she saw him walking around sad and sick with a kitten collar stuck around his neck and infected and the worst ear infections you could have ever seen. As one could imagine he did want much to do with a human. She doctored him as best she could until he was taken in to be neutered. While under anesthesia we had the Vet clean his neck and take care of his terribly infected ears. After he was feeling better Odin turned into the most loving boy you have ever seen. He loves his foster mom and he lets her know it. scratches on the ears are great now and getting all the love he can is wonderful for him now. Unfortunately poor Odin must have been beaten up by another cat pretty bad and became infected FIV. This is not a death sentence! Cats with FIV live long healthy lives and can now live with other cats research shows in peaceful households. There are also ways to protect other cats through vaccinations as well. So PLEASE don’t let a positive result of FIV scare you away from this GREAT CAT!
Gloria is the Mother of 5 kittens. She is the stray cat that hung out around the local Chandler Health and Fitness facility with her boyfriend Bud, who was the facilities adopted kitten. One thing lead to another and on September 5th at 12:30 she decided to have kittens in the office. After the birth of her kittens Gloria became a super calm cat. It takes her a minute or two to trust those around her, but when she does, she is very sweet. She loves to rub up against the legs and particularly loves the face/head pets/rubs. Gloria also will play with strings laying around.. She has an explorative side., however, she has been a very caring mother, lots of sleep for her the last 11-12 weeks.
Gloria was named after Laura Branigan’s song “Gloria”. Another note from her foster dad is that Gloria has recently discovered the laser pointer and loves it!
Mamma is a super sweet girl who was found as a stray while she was pregnant. She was found just in time and gave birth to her kitten in a safe environment and raised them and they found homes. She is still a bit skittish and is getting better every day with her foster mom. Right now she is available for meet and greet only. We want to make sure that she is in a good place before adoption and ready to give all her love to a new family. Contact the rescue for more information.
Meet one of new kids Cuddles. He is so very super sweet boy. He has the most beautiful eyes and the cutest little nose. We think he is super cute. He is very talkative and loves to be petted. He is not keen on having the tail touched yet. He likes to play with Hudson and chase him through the house already and I’ve only had them a few days. Each day I learn a little more. He likes the laser pointer, 3 level tower ball chaser and the other cats tails. Maybe that is why he not keen on his tail being touched, the other cats use to play with his. If you want a super cutie pie look no more. I do know this guy will need a play mate and will not be good alone. So he will not be adopted as an only cat.
Right here are two great brothers, Peter and Roarie. Peter is a very handsome Lilac Point Siamese and Roarie a just as handsome Flame Point Siamese. These great guys are about 6.5 years young. Peter is the super duper friendly, lay around guy, always right next to you. Sleeps right next to you where ever you are. Roarie is a bit more independent but not much. He is the talker of the two and you can hear him talking all over the house. He will sleep at your feet at night. He loves to be petted and scratched all over, belly rubs are the best. Although, belly rubs are best for both of them.
These boys have been together all their lives and separating them is just not an option. They will lay together and clean each other and Roarie will call for Peter, look around and check to make sure her is there. Peter not being much of a talker just kind of looks for Roarie and will jump on the bed for him, give him kisses and clean him up a bit and they take their naps. They are big boys! Peter is a bit over weight and has been loosing weight with the proper diet and some minor exercise, Roarie as well. They will both need to continue they weight loss for their health. They are both getting dentals and teeth extractions done this week and will available the first weekend in February.
We are asking for serious inquires only. Also they will need regular medical followup for weight loss and continued dental care. This will require the financial means to continue with their care. Call the rescue with further inquires.
Jackie-O Is a very sweet girl who gets along with just about everyone. I have only seen her have trouble with a kitten of 10month of age. I think that was only saying,” I am in charge listen to me”. She never had hissed to any human, scratched or bit anyone or showed any Tortie-Tude. She loves to sit on the couch with you, get brushed and get all the love you have to give. Jackie had a fractured hip that required surgery and is all healed up not and is a tough as she ever was. After she surgery she never should people any anger; she still wanted to just be loved. Open you home and heart to this get and awesome lady.
Vander is a super sweet boy who is looking for his forever home. He loves being around people, petted, ear rubes & scratches, chins rubs are a must. He has a super soft coat and a very long beautiful, I mean handsome tail. His tail plumes out like a peacock feather. He chases laser pointer, mice and balls toys. He gets along with other cats and seems to be the submissive. Dogs don’t bother him at all. He is new to the rescue and we are learning new things about him every day.
Meet the meekILo here. I have seen him playing with his mates so maybe he’s not so meek, just with me. He can be a cuddler with me and loves to be petted and scratched. I give him lots of love after he gets his eye medication. He loves to play with the ball tower and chase the ball all over. He likes to wrestle with his brother even with his cone on.LOL. He is one sweet boy. If you want to meet Io just message us and we can arrange a time to meet this great guy. Io can be extremely shy at first but he needs to know that you are a safe person for him. He needs to learn to trust you. Once he trust you he will give all the love this guy has. And boy does this guy have tons of love to give.
Meet the big girl Connie. She is a beautiful Main Coon Mix. She was given a hair cut for hair mats by another shelter. She is a beautiful girl at only 4 years old. She currently lives with her sister/house mate Gertrude and we would like to keep the together. They are new to the rescue and are a bit shy right now and they are coming around. They seem to be afraid of the dog in the foster home but they are getting use to him slowly. Connie loves to be petted and loves on. She loves to have her chin rubbed and ears scratched. Right now she is a bit itchy from the haircut so she loves some butt scratching. She is very loving to people. She is by no means a small cat and is very large. Her sister is large as well, they will need a home when they will have a lot of room to roam, apartment living is not for them, unless it is an extremely large apartment. Connie and Gert came to us when their owner broke her hip and is no longer able to care for them
Hi I am Rodeo and I am one awesome boy. I love people. I love to be petted, scratched, get ear rubs, chin ribs and scratches. I like to play and chase the laser pointer. I like other cats and they seems to like me. I am very unsure of dogs though and I don’t think I would like to live with one at all. If you pick me to live with you I will give you all the love I have to give. But you will need to be very careful because I do like to go out the door and I might get lost again. So please if you do adopt me make sure I don;t get lost I really didn’t like it.
Meet Hudson. He is a sweet little boy with tons of love to give. He is new to the rescue so we are still learning all about him. So far we know he is extremely playful, even with the older cats. His favorite game it seems is he hides and jumps out to scare to older cats. I don’t think they much appreciate it. He think to chase the laser point around. However look at those handsome orange eyes he has. They just go right through you. He seems to not mind other cats and the dog dose not seem to bother him either. Take a chance on an energetic little boy and he will show you all he has.