Spring/Summer 2024

March 06, 2024

February 12, 2024

January 16, 2024

January 09, 2024

December 19, 2023

December 05, 2023

November 23, 2023

November 08, 2023

Stop by on October 28th for a Trick or Treat Event!


October 05,2023




Help Kattered Tails find great homes for all the cats and kittens that have been waiting to find love!

Don’t forget our “Summer Lovin” Event in Maricopa at Pet Planet on August 5th, 11am-5pm.


July 7, 2023
We can’t wait for tomorrow and our first visit to Maricopa! We are so happy to be joining Pet Planet and look forward to an exciting event.

July 1, 2023

These two sets of bottle babies came to us extremely sick and extremely young.Sansa and Snow are doing wonderful even when in the picture it shows the day they came to us filthy, URI’s were beginning and they were extremely young. Well now June 16th they are doing fantastic and growing bug and strong. Wesley and Granger were extremely sick. Both had infected eyes, URI”S were very bad. They were not eating or drinking. After being taken to the Vet Granger started to rebound however Wesley simply refused to eat or keep medication in his mouth to swallow anything. He locked his jaws and refused everything, he had given up and was rushed to the Vet again. He crashed there. It was determined that poor Wesley was not going to rebound and it was more humane to let him go. The lady who had him previously did not know how to care for them and this is what happens without help and knowledge. When rescues are flooded with kittens there is no room for those in need. This situation did not have to happen and Wesley got into our hands to late.
I am beginning to sound like a broken record here but no one is listening. Please, please stop taking kittens from their moms. Their BEST chance at survival is to stay with their mom! This situation is a direct result of kittens being taken away from their mom.

Kattered Tails would like to welcome the many bottle babies we have taken in this past June. We would like to state all of these little lives were either taken from their moms and disposed of like garbage because it was found that it was much to hard to care for these tiny lives. They were found in dumpsters, trashcans, boxes in the middle of the road, mailboxes of our fosters, taken out the moms nest in back yards or left on our doorsteps. We know that people want to help but please remember if you don’t know how to bottle feed or care for these little ones please do not take them. Their best chance at survival is to be with their moms. If you want to learn how to care for bottle babies call us and we will teach you, sign up to foster with us!
We understand how hard it is to see them outside and worry about them living a life outdoors and becoming feral. You need to have a plan and involve a rescue first before you do anything. They have a better chance of survival to stay with their mom!
Please, please stop assuming a mamma cat has abandoned her kittens.
Observe first, wait (8+ hours, we’ve been told 8-12, others 6-8), mom has to eat also or in some cases she could be moving her kittens one at a time. She won’t return if you are sitting there watching.
Stop kitten napping for crying out loud. Rescues are overcrowded with kittens that have no moms because they have been snatched away. Not every kitten is in direct danger. Mom is their best chance at survival!!!
If you can’t foster or you don’t have a plan in place don’t take them.
People are angry that rescues can’t help, this is why. We are full with kittens taken from their moms…….




These beautiful cats will be with the rescue shortly. If you are interested we can arrange an early meet and greet for you. They are with a sister sanctuary that we are helping with the adoptions where the owner passed away. She was an avid TNR advocate and rescued all adoptable cats and friendly cats ( likely dumped and most as kittens). We want to make all of these precious cats find the forever homes they so deserve. In honor of her work and effort she dedicated her time to. Complete our pre-adoption application on our website located under the resources tab. Just fill in the cats.

Pai Mei is ready and willing to be your full-time laundry helper!
He is sweet, lovable, a lap boy, likes cats and dogs and is ready to find his forever home now! He is an 8 month old medium hair tuxedo with a proud fluffed out tail all the time!
If you are interested in this amazing boy complete our pre-adoption located under the resources tab.

“Welcome” to Kattered Tails: *Circe, *Cocoa & Cacao (siblings, bonded), *Rorschach, *Pai Mei, *Bubbles.
All of these cats are adoptable. If you are interested please complete our pre-adoption application located on our website, under the resources tab.

Hello friends and followers! 2022 was an amazing year for Kattered Tails! We are a small group the way we like and have some truly awesome fosters, fabulous volunteers, work with terrific partners Lisa Thayer and Doug Thayer at Gordy’s Goodies Pet Food & Supplies as well Two Petco locations (Chandler Blvd in Chandler and Guadalupe Rd in Tempe) and our fantastic Vets and their staff at Pet Doctor of Chandler, www.petdoctoraz.com. All have helped Kattered Tails adopt out over 150 cats and kittens.
In 2023 we are starting to introduce our new cats to the rescue in posts as they come to us and also we will post new cats coming soon. We will also do our best to post a “Kitty of the week”.
Another change that is big in 2023… We will be concentrating our efforts on adult cats over the age of one. We have decided and have seen that there is a need to help save the lives of these cats. Many of these cats often need medical care, are sick and often on euthanasia lists. This will be our new mission.
Let’s make 2023 an incredible year of all cats!