Buttons is a very sweet little girl. She was rescued as a stray and was very scared. She is a shy girl so it takes her time to learn to trust you and know that you are going to take of her and love her. Living on the streets as a kitten can be a very scary place with all the loud noises, cars and people all over the place. Learning who to trust can become a very hard thing. If you look into those eyes though you can see that she has tons of love to give someone or a family who can give her the time she needs to learn to trust and love you.
Paisley ****ADOPTED****

Hey there,
My name is Paisley, my foster family call me crazy Paisley. I have an active attitude, I love to run around the house either trying do climb up your legs or climbing all over the counters. Your bathtub is my favorite place to play peek-A boo, especially when you don’t know I’m in there. I love to play rough with the dogs, I think I’m their size. I also love to get some love! The minute I see you I just want you to hold me. I have a small eye allergy that my foster mommy is taking care of.
Angelo ****ADOPTED****
Hi My name is Angelo,
I am an outgoing little man! Boy do I love to spend time playing and love to spend time with my Foster mommy. I get jealous when I see my other brothers and sisters get attention so I zoom into your lap to get some of that love. I have this cool kid that is 4 years old that likes to go crazy with me. When ever my foster mommy is cleaning I am right there next to her making sure that everything looks good. The dogs tails are fun to until they get up and walk away from me, so I just chase their feet. When it is time to relax I love to snuggle up on the couch or bed to get some rest too.
Zeke ****ADOPTED****
Marshall ****ADOPTED****

Marshall is so calm and gentle when it comes to anything. He enjoys sitting on the couch next you watching everything going on in the house, he certainly loves to sit at the screen door and just look outside. He loves his 5 Year old Foster child that has taken a liking to him as well. Over all Marshall is so just so gentle and quite.
Bear ****ADOPTED****
It’s Bear here,
Let me tell you a little about myself, it might take sometime so I would have a seat. I am a very sweet Extremely shy little girl, I don’t know why I am with having 14 siblings but my Foster mommy always tells me that I am the sweetest princess, Yes a Princess. She tells me that I need extra attention to help break my shyness, once you do catch me I can’t stop purring.. I love the belly rubs, the butt scratches and of course those kisses. I do tend to hide around the house, My foster mommy says it because I like to have my space some days. Other days you will catch me running across your counters trying to steal your pork chop. Or I might be hanging out on your shower curtains who knows what I’ll be doing. I do know that my Foster Mommy says that I am a princess so I guess that makes me royalty and that I can pretty much do whatever I want, which I already do.
River ****ADOPTED****
The name is River,
I have a unique personality for a little lady. I love to play rough with the boys, but then also do not like loosing. I seem to always find a way to get in trouble with my foster mommy when I hang out with the boys. I just want to everything they are doing, you know climb on the counters, hang from the blinds, make someone cry for rough play, and of course stealing food from my foster family. I have a sweet and calm side to me as well, my foster mommy will pick me up and just cuddle with me on the couch and I am in heaven at that moment.
ButterCup ****ADOPTED ****
Hi, my name is Buttercup.
I am extremely beautiful! I have a sweet and spunky side of me as well. I love to do my own thing and when you want my attention I really enjoy some belly rubs, while I nibble on your hand. I am not a wild child but I do love to explore everything, even where ever you are at the moment. Some days you will see me lounging around the house, that’s my down time before the storm.
Cassius ****ADOPTED****
Hello My New Family,
My name is Cassius as you already know. Let me start telling you a little about myself, I do get a little shy when first meeting new people but once I warm up I am the biggest love bug ever! When you are feeding me I like to give you thank you kisses, when you clean my litter box I like to make sure you don’t need assistance. I love to be where you are, couch, bed, the floor, or even in the shower. Peek-A-Boo! One thing I tend to do is play hard to get, I like to run around the house until you catch me.
Sedona ****ADOPTED****

Well Hello there!
My name is Sedona and I am A single mom of 6 kittens. Daphne, Declan, Paisley, Maddie, Zeke, and Delilah. I then took on another 8 Babies that needed a mommy to give them the love and attention they needed. I pretty much raised 14 kittens all on my own with one income… It was difficult but now it is time for these free loaders to move out of my home. So as my picture shows I don’t look happy but I promise I am the sweetest little lady ever! Before my foster mommy saved me I really didn’t know anything about humans, dogs, or even a home. My foster mommy worked really hard to gain my trust which took some time, but what she found out was that I am no longer afraid of the dogs, a loving hand, and some tiny cuddles. I still have some more work to do but overall I do enjoy some butt scratches. I get along with other cats, I actually was told that my foster mommy would prefer me to go to a home with another cat as it helps me gain trust in you. My foster mommy does say no Kids as they are really loud and move to fast for me that it scares me, My foster mommy says that it would be best in a quite home for me.
Daphne ****ADOPTED****
Hey you,
My name is Daphne. I love to be loved and love to chase your feet when you walk. I like know what you are doing at all times…even when you have a bag of chips!! I like to play with my foster dogs and the foster 4 year old boy that chases me. I am learning to have quite time but it is really hard when there is so much to explore around me.
Maddie ****ADOPTED****
Hi, My name is Maddie, my foster mommy thought I was a little girl and this name was for me but besides my identity I am the biggest love bug you will ever meet! I love to talk to you, I enjoy eating chips with you, I especially enjoy cuddles! I am extremely nosy and loving at the same time.
Declan ****ADOPTED****
Hello My Name is Declan,
Oh boy am I just the biggest love bug you will every meet! I hear you call my name or even do the kitty call I come flying out of no where talking to you letting you know I am here!! I just want to love you and be loved. I do enjoy loving on my foster doggies and my 4 year old boy who loves to play with me. I am super spunky but then I am a huge teddy bear you can snuggle with.
Oreo ****ADOPTED****
My name is Oreo, I am a little shy but once I warm up to you I become your new best friend! I like to have my space to explore my world around me but when I am ready to come cuddle with you I will do it on my terms. I can promise you that once I feel the love I will give you my love.
Zander ****ADOPTED****