Meet Miss Odette here! She is a sweet mamma cat who raised her kittens and adopted two other kittens and after she was spayed she cared for an orphan bottle feeding kitten Amelia we were taking care of. She is one of those cats who will just care for any kittens you put in front of her. She is that loving and maternal. She was not loved and cared for herself after she was found as a kitten and put outside instead of being spayed. Instead of being loved she was discarded. She became a mom very young a few times and all she knew how to do was love kittens because that is the only love she ever knew. She protected her many kittens from other cats so we are working getting her use to other cats and she is getting so much better now. She is much better knowing they won’t hurt her. She is also getting knowing what it means to be loved by her humans and she craves it. She now sleeps with us and curls up behind my knees on a fuzzy blanket, loves head rubs and ear scratches. Being held is getting better as well and she likes forehead kisses. Playtime is a big plus as well. BOY does this girl love to talk and talk she does. Sometimes non-stop. She likes when you talk back.
If you want a cat that deserves to be loved and needs all of your love and will give all of her love well her is Odette. She is a beauty, just look at those big beautiful eyes. They say to you- You are the most important part of her life.
Odette did adopt our Amelia as hers and the bond they have formed is inseparable and the rescue had determined that it is in their best interest to stay together. Therefore for their well being we are adopting them together.

Meet little Amelia. She is the one we thought would not survive. However, thanks to her adopted mamma Odette and all the care she gave her as well as the love of a foster mom bottle feeding her little Amelia is an example of why we do what we do.
She is the spunkiest, funniest and weirdest little kitten around. She absolutely will make you laugh out loud. Being the only kitten she has learned to play on her own and wrestle on top of her mamma Odette. She does not like to share just like any only child. She does share with her mamma though. Amelia and Odette have formed such a bond that the rescue has determined separating them is just not an option and they MUST go together. So if you are looking at Amelia’s posting please go and look at Odette’s post as well. They make the cutest little family.